Stevia extraction process

The extraction of steviol glycosides is achieved by immersing dry leaves of stevia in water, filtering the liquids from the leaves and stems, and further using water or food-grade alcohols for purification—a completely traditional method of plant extraction. In order to get a natural and very sweet sweet-sweetener that does not affect the blood sugar level, steviol glycosides

Stevia Extract

The function of Stevia extract

Studies have shown that it do not affect blood glucose levels or interfere with insulin. it does not contain any calories and can give diabetics more flexibility in the total budgeted calorie intake and helps control weight. No matter how the intake of it, there is no effect on the glycemic index GI. it can also be used for a variety of foods and beverages, and individual uses and levels of use may vary from country to country. it have a synergistic effect when used in combination with other sweeteners.

Stevia extracts for weight loss

A recent article in the American Journal of Medicinal Food found that studies conducted by Mexican researchers in vitro and in vivo showed that Stevia extracts can suppress obesity. A large amount of experimental data shows that low-calorie sweeteners, food and beverage products help reduce energy intake and control body weight. Earlier studies have also confirmed that stevia can improve obesity and diabetes.

The effects of plants on combating obesity, anti-hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia are all related to metabolic disorders. For researchers at the University of Mexico Yucatan Autonomous University, many chemical synthetic drugs can cure the disease, but the drug’s associated side effects, such as lactic acidosis, metallic taste, vitamin B12 deficiency, and so on. As a result, consumers have new natural sources of medicines, such as Stevia, which has a long history of safe eating around the world.

Stevia Extract

Stevia extract market analysis

According to Mintel market data, as of the end of 2016, there were 3223 stevia-based foods, including 1,396 beverage products. Traditional carbonated beverages are declining. Drink giants Pepsi and Coca-Cola are both looking for new natural sweeteners. The application of natural sweeteners to food and beverage products has become the development trend of the global health industry. The market size of Stevia is 4.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2017, and it is estimated that by 2022, it will achieve a compound annual growth rate of 9.5 percent to 770 million U.S. dollars. it is a big market.

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