Premature ejaculation impotence is like a difficult brother, often coexist in some men’s lives, there are many reasons for its symptoms, there are psychological reasons, there are organic causes of the disease, for different diseases to be a good treatment, let’s talk about Drugs such as the treatment of premature ejaculation impotence, which is the general treatment of patients with premature ejaculation impotence.

Impotence is a very common disease. The causes of impotence are also various. Therefore, symptomatic treatment is very important. For patients with impotence, the most taboo is abuse of tonics and drugs. On the one hand, treatment and health care are not available. The effect can even cause secondary damage. Therefore, we must use medicine under the guidance of a doctor. Let’s briefly introduce the drugs for the treatment of impotence.



This medicine is also called “Viagra” and it is Viagra on the market. The medicine for treating impotence mainly affects the peripheral nerves and local tissues of the penis. It has spiritual, organic and mixed type impotence. Better efficacy, the total effective rate of 70% to 90%. Patients with impotence can take 25-100 mg of sildenafil 60 minutes before each sex to promote and enhance the erectile function of the penis. It should be noted that a small number of patients may experience adverse reactions such as facial flushing, dizziness, headache, nasal obstruction and transient visual disturbances after medication. Older patients with cardiovascular disease should not take this medicine. The drug should not be used in combination with nitrates such as nitroglycerin.


This drug is a derivative of morphine and belongs to dopamine receptor agonists. It mainly acts on the hypothalamus activity center of the human brain and can initiate and regulate erectile function of the penis. The effective rate of this drug for impotence is 44% to 60%. Patients with impotence can take 2 to 6 milligrams of apomorphine each time, depending on their specific conditions. Medication dosage, please follow the doctor’s advice! It should be noted that a small number of patients may have mild nausea and other adverse reactions after taking this medicine


The drug Yohimbine for the treatment of impotence is also called irritate and soothing. It is a scopolamine and belongs to the adrenergic receptor blocker. The drug has the function of expanding the penis artery, increasing the blood flow of the penis and increasing the libido, and has a good effect on non-organic impotence. Patients with impotence can take 1 tablet of yohimbine each time, taking 2 or 3 times a day, and the rate of satisfactory sexual intercourse after treatment can reach 75% to 80%. Dosage, please be sure to follow the doctor’s advice! It should be noted that a small number of patients after taking this drug may have rapid heartbeat, tremor, diastolic blood pressure and other adverse reactions.

Testosterone drugs:

Testosterone is an important androgen, including methyltestosterone, fluoromethyl methyl testosterone, hydroxymethyl androstaneone, and testosterone undecanoate. These drugs are only suitable for middle-aged and elderly patients with impotence due to hypogonadism and testosterone and androgen deficiency. The use of methyltestosterone is 25 to 50 mg per sublingual dose, once a day. The use of fluoromethyl methyl testosterone is 5 to 10 mg each time, once a day. Medication dosage, please follow the doctor’s advice!

Of course, in addition to medical treatment there are physical therapy, psychotherapy and other methods. In general, drug treatment can play a very good therapeutic effect, of course, for stubborn premature ejaculation impotence, surgical treatment is also a good choice. In addition, we must pay attention to, must be under the guidance of a doctor to use drugs, and avoid abuse of tonic itself, especially some of the three non-qualified tonic, after taking not only failed to effect, but also easily lead to increased illness..

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