The liver health function of Milk Thistle can be analyzed from three aspects

First, Silymarin  belongs to the strong antioxidant flavonoid, Germany’s scientific research confirmed that Silymarin could inhibit the body 5 – lipoxyenase (an accelerated oxidation enzymes in the body), and increase the liver cells secrete GSH (antioxidant enzyme) concentration and stability of cell membrane (mainly liver cells).Moreover, after the Silymarin combined with liver cells, increase the liver cells of the function of detoxification and toxic substances against the antioxidant effect of Silymarin itself will actually have detoxification effect, reduce the concentration of the offset infringement of liver cell toxic substances.

Silymarin  third liver function is repair and regeneration of liver cells, and increase protein synthesis of nucleotides in normal liver cells, because the liver cells are a few organs of the body  with cell regeneration ability, the injured liver can repair, but Silymarin does not increase the formation of abnormal liver cells such as liver cancer cell.On the contrary, scientific research has found that Silymarin can inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells and inhibit the differentiation and growth of cancer cells.

Milk Thistle is often used in delay service life of the patients with liver cirrhosis, but so far there is no one drug can make have fibrosis of liver reduction, and Milk Thistle will only slow down the liver to continue fibrosis speed for mild or temporary liver index (GOT and GPT or ALT, AST) rise, Milk Thistle (Milk Thistle) usually have very good effect, generally can be used with vitamin B group, recovery will be better.Used as for fatty liver, and not have absolutely necessary, unless the patient with liver index increase phenomenon, because most of the patients with fatty liver because obesity caused by uneven or diet and drinking

Clinical treatment cases

Although milk thistle was introduced into clinical treatment for two thousand years, the research on clinical efficacy was very scarce.

1) Acute viral hepatitis, after treatment with silymarin, has been reported to reduce complications, allow the patient to recover more quickly, and return home early. Hepatitis B antibody is more prone to hepatitis B antibodies. That is a clinical follow-up study in Western countries. There are many vertical infections in China. Whether there are similar results is not available.

2)Alcoholic liver disease, with 140 mg, milk thistle, two doses a day after six months, 17 cases of chronic alcoholism with friends, its bilirubin in serum, liver index (SGPT and SGOT) and Gamma bran amine ideal transfer element (Gamma Glutamyl – Transferase, is a kind of mitochondrial enzymes), and the three type of tropocollagen (procollagen III) readings are significantly decreased, and liver tissue pathologic microscopic observation, again after taking milk thistle, original lymphocytes in slow, fat peroxide condition has also improved.

3)Amanita phalloides, currently considered one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world, can cause severe liver damage and death.After ingesting the death cap by mistake, there are people who take thistle to detoxify, the mortality rate is about 13 percent, otherwise the mortality rate will double

4) Chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, long-term use of bean milk thistle, tsai level of the Child ‘S mortality is less, A two level 3 is not much use, liver index will not change because of the drug (reference: Ferenci P etal: J Hepatol 1989;9:105-13), a few clinicians clinical observation, that although the liver index is high, the medicine at least conscious of friends, is also a positive benefit (reference: Albrecht M etal Klin Med 1992;47:87-92.).

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