What is Glutathione?

Glutathione GSH is a tripeptide that is bound by glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine and contains a thiol group. It has antioxidant effects and integrated detoxification. The thiol group on cysteine is a glutathione-active group, which is easy to combine with certain drugs (such as paracetamol), toxins (such as free radicals, iodoacetic acid, mustard gas, lead, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals). Integrate detoxification. Therefore, It(especially glutathione in hepatocytes) can participate in biotransformation, thereby converting harmful toxic substances in the body into harmless substances and excreting them. It also helps maintain the function of the normal immune system

What are the main functions of  glutathione?

  1. It plays an important role in the biochemical defense system in the human body and has many physiological functions.
  2. Its main physiological function is to remove free radicals from the human body and act as an important antioxidant in the body. 
  3. It maintains health and anti-aging, and it works better on young people’s retarded cells than younger people’s.
  4. Protects the sulfhydryl group of the protein on the erythrocyte membrane in a reduced state, preventing hemolysis.
  5. It also inhibits the fatty liver produced by ethanol against the liver.
  6. It has a strong protective effect on symptoms such as leukopenia caused by radiation and radioactive drugs. Glutathione can combine with toxic compounds, heavy metal ions or carcinogens that enter the body and promote its excretion. It plays a role in neutralizing detoxification.

Glutathione in food

  1. Added to the surface products, can play a reducing role. Not only shortens the time to make bread to one-half or one-third of the original, the labor conditions are greatly improved, and it plays a role in strengthening food nutrition and other functions.
  2. Add it to yogurt and infant food, equivalent to vitamin C, can play a role as a stabilizer.
  3.  Mix it into the fish cake to prevent the color from deepening.
  4. Added to meat products and cheese and other foods, with enhanced flavor effect.

Which foods are high in glutathione?

It is found in many fruits, such as cherries, cherries (small tomatoes, cherry tomatoes), etc.; in many vegetables, it also contains glutathione such as tomatoes (tomato); therefore, in daily life Eating some fruits and vegetables is good for delaying aging and prolonging life.

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