What is Taurine?

Taurine, also known as β-aminoethanesulfonic acid, was first isolated from the bezoar, hence the name. Pure product is colorless or white oblique crystal, odorless, It is chemically stable, insoluble in organic solvents such as ether, is a sulfur-containing non-protein amino acid, exists in the free state in the body, does not participate in the body protein Biosynthesis. Although it is not involved in protein synthesis, it is closely related to the metabolism of cystine and cysteine. The cysteine sulfite carboxylase (CSAD) activity of human synthetic taurine is low, mainly relying on the intake of taurine in food to meet the needs of the body.

Which beverages contain taurine

It is recognized as a nutritional fortifier in the world and is widely used in food, dairy products, beverages, etc.such as;Sports drinks, energy drink industry,Infant milk powder and so on .


10 Functions of Taurine

  •  Promote brain tissue and mental development in infants and young children

It is abundant in the brain and widely distributed. It can significantly promote the growth and development of the nervous system and cell proliferation and differentiation in a dose-dependent manner. It plays an important role in the development of brain nerve cells.

  • Improve nerve conduction and vision

It dysfunction occurs in infants and young children if they lack taurine. In patients with long-term intravenous infusion, if there is no taurine in the infusion, the patient’s electroretinogram will change, and only a large dose of it can correct this change

  • Prevent cardiovascular disease

It can inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce blood lipids, maintain normal blood pressure and prevent arteriosclerosis in the circulatory system; protect cardiomyocytes against arrhythmia; have special curative effect on lowering blood cholesterol, can treat heart failure

  • Affect the absorption of lipids

The role of it in the liver is to combine with bile acids to form taurocholic acid, which is essential for the absorption of lipids in the digestive tract.

  • Improve endocrine and enhance human immunity

It can promote the secretion of pituitary hormones, activate the function of the pancreas, thereby improving the state of the body’s endocrine system, beneficially regulating the body’s metabolism, and promoting the immunity and anti-fatigue effects of the organism.

  • Affecting glucose metabolism

It binds to the insulin receptor, promotes cellular uptake and utilization of glucose, accelerates glycolysis, and lowers blood glucose levels

  • Inhibit the occurrence and development of cataract

It has an important role in regulating crystal osmotic pressure and anti-oxidation, and supplementing it can inhibit the occurrence and development of cataract

  • Improve memory function

Supplementing the appropriate amount of taurine can not only improve the learning and memory speed, but also improve the accuracy of learning and memory, and also has a certain effect on the anti-aging of the nervous system.

  • Maintain normal reproductive function

Normal reproductive function needs to be maintained with taurine. It is confirmed that when the content of taurine in cat feed is less than 0.101%, the reproductive function is poor, the rate of stillbirth, abortion and birth defects is increased, and the survival rate of the young child is decreased.

  • Other Function

It has protective effect on nephrotoxicity. It has protective effect on cisplatin-induced changes of rabbit primary renal tubular epithelial cells. It can calm, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, and has preventive effects on frostbite, KCN poisoning and migraine

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