About coconut powder

Coconut powder is a good combination of medicine and food. It is by far the world’s highest amino acid content of natural beverages, Coconut powder is made from fresh coconut pulp extracted from fresh coconut flesh and then dried by spraying. Coconut powder is rich in 18 kinds of amino acids, calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, vitamin C and other nutrients that human body needs.It is by far the world’s highest amino acid content of natural drinks.It contains vitamin E to maintain the vitality of women’s youth, rich in zinc can promote the development of girls, magnesium can improve the circulatory system of the elderly.

Different effects of coconut powder

For women: coconut powder is rich in zinc, which can promote the development of girls.Coconut powder contains nutrients can promote the regeneration of collagen and elastic fiber, update old cutin cell, add skin smooth, it contains vitamin E can keep female youth vitality, let the radiant adult women.

For the elderly: coconut powder is rich in magnesium.Magnesium is good for the elderly and can improve their circulatory system.Besides, coconut powder is rich in 18 kinds of amino acids which are needed by human body. It also has a good effect on anti-aging and disease prevention of the elderly.According to the 4th national census, the life expectancy of hainan people is among the highest in China, which is related to the local people drinking coconut juice and coconut powder.As a representative of hainan coconut powder, south China coconut powder has always been popular among the local people.

For constipation: coconut powder contains antioxidants, became the amino acid content is the highest in the world of instant drink, in contact with the sun and the role of free radicals, promote metabolism, promote blood circulation, promote the intestinal digestion, runchang purge, row poison to raise colour.Urban white-collar workers who often sit in front of a computer might as well have a cup of coconut water to clean their stomach!

Edible methods

Coconut powder is rich in nutrition, and the drinking methods vary from person to person. Hot and cold drinks or other foods can be mixed with other foods, such as milk tea, coffee and other common beverages.

  1. Coconut milk

    Practice:     coconut milk

    (1) take a large amount of water and boil it and add the rice. Cook for 10 minutes, cover and cover for 20-30 minutes;

    (2) pour out the hot water, rinse the rice with cold water, wash the thick things off, add the cold water and boil again.

    (3) add a little more cold water to the rice, add the right amount of water, then boil, add the south coconut powder and milk, sugar, turn off the heat!


2.Coconut chicken

coconut powder


Wash chicken, chop and set aside. Peel fresh coconut.

Open the coconut, pour the coconut water into the bowl, slice the coconut flesh and wash the dates.Add a little water, put coconut and dates in the pan, boil over high heat, cover and turn over medium heat for 30 minutes.

Cover the chicken and add the chicken. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.Open the lid and pour in the coconut water.Bring chicken essence and salt to the boil and turn off the heat.


3.Coconut rice

coconut powder


Ingredients: 1000g glutinous rice, 1 coconut, 200g sugar, 200g milk (boiling water is ok).

1. Wash the glutinous rice, soak for several hours, drain the water and let dry.

2, just full white gourd ladle of fresh coconut, stripped jacket and shell, gourd ladle, take out the whole meat cut in the top of the small mouth cover, emptying a coconut water, fill the glutinous rice with coconut cup, add sugar and fresh coconut juice at the same time, the pumping light milk or boiling water, cover the seal with coconut lashing, into the pot of containing water sealed, exuberant boil, then simmer for about 3-4 hours, glutinous rice is done after the swelling in removed.

3. After the natural cooling of the boiled glutinous rice coconut cup, dissolve into a number of boat-shaped pieces with two tips and a width in the middle with the knife in a straight position and set