Orange powder manufacture

Sangherb orange powder uses fresh orange pulp and juice as materials and and be made by advanced spray drying process. The raw orange powder is not only nutritious but also has great benefits for human health. It is suitable for a variety of food to combines with. It is a unique flavor ,green, healthy, nutritious food ingredients .

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Orange powder nutritional value

Orange is rich in nutrients and in each 100 grams of orange pulp, it contains protein 0.9 grams, fat 0.1 grams, carbohydrates 12.8 grams, crude fiber 0.4 grams, calcium 56 milligrams, phosphorus 15 milligrams, iron 0.2 milligrams, carotene 0.55 milligrams, vitamins B0.08 mg, vitamin B2 0.3 mg, niacin 0.3 mg, vitamin c 34 mg and cellulite, citric acid, malic acid, tannic acid and other nutrients.

The effect of orange powder on pregnant women

  • Iron and calcium supplements

Orange juice contains calcium and vitamin D to help maintain bone strength, but at least some vegetables are needed to get the necessary vitamin K.The calcium in the juice can be fully absorbed just like the calcium in milk, which is suitable for pregnant women.

Orange juice is rich in water and vitamins. It also has a very low calorie content and does not contain any fat. Its rich vitamin A is an excellent choice for eye protection.

  • Protect the stomach

Orange juice is opaque. It contains natural polysaccharides, including pectin, in suspension. Orange juice promotes proper gastrointestinal function and pectin helps remove harmful substances that enter the body along with air and food.

  • Promote drug absorption

Orange juice contains a special chemical substance that promotes drug absorption, allowing the drug to enter the blood several times or even more than ten times, thus increasing the body’s absorption of the drug.

  • Prevent heart disease

Drinking three glasses of orange juice a day can increase the body’s high-quality cholesterol, which is the content of high-density lipoprotein and thus reduce the risk of heart disease

orange powder

Through the above introduction, we have a better understanding of the knowledge related to orange juice? Orange juice has immune system, cancer prevention, detoxification characteristics, blood circulation and cell growth and other effects. So drinking orange juice is good for the body. The above Xiaobian also introduced the benefits of pregnant women drinking orange juice, mothers remember it?