Nutritive value of loquat fruit

Loquat is rich in cellulose and pectin, carotene, malic acid, citric acid, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamins A, B and C. Rich in vitamin B, carotene, protective eyesight, keep skin moist, promote the function of the physical development of children, which contains vitamin B17, nutrients or prevent cancer, therefore, loquat, also known as the “crown of fruit.


 Application of loquat fruit powder

loquat fruit powder is a special kind of food obtained by grinding fresh pods and drying them into powder. It retains most of the nutrients in pods, has a much longer shelf life than pods, and is easy to carry and eat. So what is the efficacy and role of lotus root powder? How should you eat? For a while, I specifically talked about these issues for everyone.

  • Loquat fruit Powder is emollient and whitening

Loquat fruit Powder contains a variety of minerals and vitamins, they can directly act on the human skin, can promote the regeneration and metabolism of skin cells, usually can be added to the appropriate amount of honey after the powder is applied directly to the face of the skin, over 20 Minutes later wash with water, can play an important role in wrinkles and moisturize the skin.

  • Loquat powder can clear and relieve heat

The nature of lotus is cold, it can clear away heat , It is most suitable for people to eat in the summer. When the weather is hot in summer, people can take the appropriate amount of lotus powder, add boiling water, and then cool down and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate. After four hours, it can be taken out for drinking. The oyster sauce obtained at this time is not only cool and refreshing, but also can prevent the occurrence of heat stroke symptoms.

  • Loquat powder can prevent influenza

Tannin powder contains a variety of natural anti-virus ingredients, it can reduce the harm of influenza virus to the human body, in the season alternate, eat more lotus root starch, can effectively prevent the occurrence of influenza, in addition to lotus root meal is also rich in carrots It can eliminate the inflammation of the trachea and lungs and can play an important role in lungs and cough.

Loquat powder


Loquat fruit liquor

  1. Pick out the pickings from the fruit market and clean them out (choose fresh, full-color, fresh oysters as much as possible), dry them, peel them, remove them without peeling them, and put the skins on the lines.
  2. Take a clean container, put the sugar into the container, and then add the wolfberry so that a layer of white sugar is poured into the container about 80%.
  3. Finally, pour into the height of rice wine, seal the bottle, and let it stand for 2 to 3 months. Then open the lid and filter, slag, and drink.

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