What is Ascorbic Acid

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), also known as l-ascorbic Acid, is a water-soluble Vitamin

vitamin C

Main Functions of Ascorbic Acid

1. Participate in the hydroxylation reaction.Hydroxylation is a necessary step in the synthesis or decomposition of many important substances in the body.

(1)Squid promotes collagen synthesis.When vitamin C is deficient, collagen synthesis is impaired, leading to scurvy.

(2)This stimulates the synthesis of neurotransmitters (serotonin and noradrenaline).

(3)Ingestion promotes steroid hydroxylation.In patients with high cholesterol, adequate vitamin C should be supplied.

(4)Current promotes the elimination of organic compounds or toxins by hydroxyl.Vitamin C can enhance the activity of mixed functional oxidases and enhance the detoxification (hydroxylation) process of drugs or poisons.

2.Reduction.Vitamin C can be oxidized or reduced in the body, so it can be used as hydrogen donor and hydrogen acceptor, playing an important role in the process of oxidation and reduction in the body.

(1)The squid promotes antibody formation.High levels of vitamin C help reduce cysteine in food proteins to cysteine, which is used to make antibodies

(2)The sores promote the absorption of iron.Vitamin C promotes iron absorption by reducing hard-to-absorb trivalent iron to digestible divalent iron.In addition, sulfhydryl groups such as ferrous complexase can be activated in order to play an effective role. Therefore, vitamin C is an important auxiliary drug in the treatment of anemia.

(3)Phagocytosis promotes tetrahydrofolate formation.Vitamin C can promote the reduction of folic acid into tetrahydrofolic acid and play a role.

(4)Maintain the activity of mercapto enzyme.

3.Detoxification.A large amount of vitamin C can alleviate the toxic effects of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.

4.Prevent cancer.Vitamin C can block the synthesis of carcinogenic n-nitrite compounds and prevent cancer.

5. Scavenging free radical

6.Synergy.Vitamin C and vitamin e and reduced coenzyme Ⅱ in the body can be coordinated to remove free radicals.

vitamin CPeople who get vitamin c

  • People who work and study hard: Stress can inhibit the function of the immune system, reduce its efficiency, and easily promote the revival of latent viruses in the body

  • Women during pregnancy and lactation: Levels of vitamin C in women at this time the body is lower than usual time, caused the low ability to resist cold, and a lot of cold medicines have side effects for the pregnant woman, so often catch a cold is regarded as the biggest during pregnancy “trouble”

  • A person who is short of iron in the body: Iron deficiency is not only due to insufficient iron absorption, but more importantly, the body’s ability to absorb iron from food.When the body is short of iron, vitamin C can help the body absorb iron from non-meat foods up to 10 times.

  • People who usually smoke: Smokers burn more vitamin C than the general population.Studies show that heavy smokers need more than 40 percent more vitamins than nonsmokers.


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